Sunday, September 7, 2008

10 Weeks

Colten is 10 and half weeks old now and weighs something like 13 pounds!! He's way more alert and active now, smiling and laughing in response to things he sees. He's also holding his head up really well (which must be difficult with that big ol' pumpkin head of his).

I started working again over the past two weeks - just some random Adventure Co. days and tutoring once a week up at City College. My parents have been coming up and watching the baby while I'm away and Tim's at work. I think they like it - they keep coming back. Colten's been pretty easy lately. I can pop him out of his sling now when we're out at restaurants and that sort of thing, and he'll just hang out all mellow in my lap. In fact, he's in my lap right now, just looking up at me and making funny baby noises. The thing is, as soon as I start telling people how mellow he is, he's going to prove me wrong by throwing a big fit in some public place. Ah well.