Tuesday, March 10, 2009

8 Months!

About two minutes after this picture was taken,
he fell asleep.

And about two minutes after this picture was taken,
he lost his red cap, never to be seen again.

At the zoo


Ah, back to the blog. It's been awhile...Colten is 8 months old now and becoming more mobile every day. He's not exactly crawling yet - just wiggling and squirming and climbing and rolling a whole lot. He's incredibly grabby right now and we're constantly being pinched, bitten, head butted, and getting our hair pulled. He also has a tendency to knock over glasses full of liquid, fling bowls full of food, and pull over any potted plant that he can get his little mitts on. We're expecting horns to sprout out of his head any day now. He can be very sweet though...especially when he's asleep. And we're lucky he's a good sleeper.

We just had a pretty fun little family weekend together. We've been noticing that Colten loves to watch other kids, so on Saturday we took him to the park for the first time. Mainly he just checked out all the big kids running around and playing, but he also got to try the swing and go down the slide. It was pretty cute. Then we took him to the zoo and let him look at animals. It's hard to tell what he thought of everything. He fell asleep pretty quickly. On Sunday we went for a hike and Tim wore him in our big Kelty pack (a hand-me-down from our friend June!) for the first time. And then in the afternoon we took him to the beach and let him play in the sand. I love that he gets to grow up here, where being outside is just part of how we live.

Tim and Colten and I took a walk when Tim came home for lunch yesterday, and we were talking about how we couldn't imagine anything else we'd rather be doing at that moment than just walking on a sunny day in Carp, pushing the baby in the stroller. And how, just maybe, that's the real meaning of success.