Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Babies in the bed!

I just think this is really funny.

I do like to sleep with Colten in our bed, just not exactly like this. He's such a good little snuggler. He's been sleeping really well (no, not through the night - he still needs to nurse once or twice). And for the past few weeks now, he's been spending part of the night in his bassinet, which is kind of nice. But I really enjoy pulling him into bed to snuggle until it's time to get up.

By the way, how is it that he already knows the difference between night and day? It's really amazing to me that he can be like, "hey, I'm going to sleep for six hours now, even though I don't take more than 30 minute naps all day long."

Babies are cool.

And for those who wonder about the babies in the bed thing:

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