Thursday, October 16, 2008

I...CAN'T...TAKE...the CRYING!!

I just got Colten down for the night...I hope. I don't know why, but every once in a great while he has these crazy evenings (or afternoons. Or sometimes middle-of-the-nights) where he just cries like a maniac for no apparent reason. It really doesn't happen very often at all, but for some reason he's been doing it all evening. Tim's dad is in the hospital up in Bakersfield right now, so we've been doing a lot of driving back and forth this week. Colten has been SO good when we're up there. And in the car, too. Maybe he's finally just had enough. Well, he'll be with Grandma and Grandpa tomorrow -- I've got to help Tim at the shop. He is suddenly so very busy. He's taken on some of the jobs his dad had left open, and then his own work is picking up as well. It's good, just hard right now because we're so up in the air as far as his dad's situation...we're really just waiting for the next phone call. I'm supposed to work this coming week, and feel awful because I had to tell my boss that I can't commit now...even though I'd already commited. He understands...I just feel bad about it. Everyone's stressed and upset. Maybe that's affecting Colten as well.

Other than that, though, Colten is great. We had some great photos taken of him the other day by my friend Dara's friend, Meg Fish ( I'm pretty sure now that Colten is the cutest baby ever made. I just checked, and he, Tim and Strider are snoring away in bed together. I'm sure the cat will join us later as well. I'm super tired too, so I guess I'll go.

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